Engineering design software firm nTop teams up with NVIDIA to accelerate product development

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nTop, a specialist in computational design software for high-performance engineering, has teamed up with NVIDIA to harness the power of accelerated computing to bring new engineering products to market at unprecedented speeds

The agreement includes investment from NVIDIA’s venture capital arm, NVentures, in leveraging nTop’s engineering design software to transform product development.

Computational design is the process of creating algorithms that use engineering design logic to generate solutions to engineering problems.

Accelerating engineering design

nTop’s software automates design and optimization processes while integrating with engineering teams’ existing design, analysis and simulation tools and workflows.

nTop’s integration with NVIDIA’s accelerated computing platform allows engineering teams to accelerate product design and bring high-performance products to market faster and with less effort.

The initial focus of this collaboration will be to integrate nTop’s computational design software with the NVIDIA OptiX™ rendering framework and NVIDIA Omniverse technologies to create new tools that help engineering teams accelerate and better visualize their designs.

Omniverse is a platform for developing OpenUSD applications for industrial digitalization and generative physical AI.

The first proof of concept integrates the NVIDIA OptiX ray-tracing framework to provide more realistic rendering in nTop.

Live digital twins of parts and assemblies

Omniverse SDKs and APIs will also be used to integrate nTop implicits into the Omniverse and OpenUSD ecosystem to provide engineering teams an immersive 3D collaboration environment to see and interact with live digital twins of their parts and assemblies.

As changes are made to designs in nTop, they can be reflected in OpenUSD applications developed on the Omniverse platform, with no meshing necessary for the transfer. nTop is a member of NVIDIA Inception, a program that nurtures companies revolutionizing industries with technological advancements.

Bradley Rothenberg, co-founder and CEO of nTop, said: “Our goal in collaborating with NVIDIA is to provide the fastest computing solutions to our customers so they can iterate even faster through design options.

“We are seeing strong interest from customers and partners and are looking forward to sharing more capabilities later this year.”

Mohamed Siddeek, corporate vice-president at NVIDIA and head of NVentures, added: “Product engineering and development teams working in every industry need powerful simulation capabilities to design their work in a physically accurate manner.

“In collaboration with NVIDIA, the team at nTop is showcasing the benefits of accelerated computing in computational design by building incredible tools for engineering teams to design and deliver innovative products.”




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