White House creates AI data center infrastructure task force

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The White House is launching a new Task Force on AI Data Center Infrastructure to coordinate policy across government

Led by the National Economic Council, National Security Council and the White House Deputy Chief of Staff’s office, the interagency task force will provide streamlined coordination on policies to advance data center development operations in line with economic, national security and environmental goals.

The task force will work with AI infrastructure leaders to identify opportunities and work with agencies to ensure adequate resourcing, designate agency single points of contact, and properly prioritize AI data center development to reflect the importance of these projects to American national security and economic interests, the White House said.

Finally, the task force will build on recent work to identify existing authorities and areas where legislative action is needed to modify or strengthen federal authorities to support AI data center development.

The announcement was made following a White House-hosted roundtable that convened leaders from hyperscalers, AI companies, data center operators and utility companies to maintain American leadership in AI.

AI data center engagement

In addition, the Biden administration has announced that the Department of Energy will create an AI data center team to leverage programs to support AI data center development.

The department has created a suite of resources – including loans, grants, tax credits, and technical assistance – to help data center owners and operators secure clean, reliable energy solutions.

It is also planning a series of convenings with data center developers, clean energy solutions providers, grid operators and other stakeholders to drive development of innovative solutions.

Repurposing closed coal sites for energy infrastructure

The department will also continue to share resources with data center developers on repurposing closed coal sites to provide energy infrastructure to power new data centers.

Combining site features with financial incentives available from Federal or state and local authorities can make attractive opportunities for project developers.

Participants in the roundtable included Amazon, the Electric Power Research Institute, Meta, Microsoft, NVIDIA and OpenAI.





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